Learn how to find and hire your perfect candidate for every position. It doesn't need to be this hard!

Click on the video below to find out more...

Click on the video below to find out more...

As Featured In

How much time and money are you spending to find bad candidates?

Think of how much more time you'd have to spend on growing your business.

Perhaps you'd finally have the help you needed to grow your business, have the time to focus on more pressing issues, or even cut down on your never-ending workdays .

There's only one problem.

Finding the perfect candidate.

After all, don't you need to spend weeks searching and screening candidates to do that?

Well, sure, if you have the time to put your business on pause.

That kinda sets you back on all the hard work you've already put in.

Fortunately, there's better way.

With the Strategic Staffing e-course, you can learn proven strategies for finding candidates, screening to save time, and interviewing to find your perfect new hire!

With our time tested course, here is what you'll get...

The Group Mentoring Membership includes all these amazing benefits ...

  • Two PRIVATE Coaching sessions

    with an Integrity Game® Certified Coach to calibrate and implement YOUR answers to the tough questions!

  • Two PRIVATE Coaching sessions with an Integrity Game® Certified Coach to calibrate and implement YOUR answers to the tough questions!

  • My approach to searching for candidates that finds ONLY compatible candidates.

    It's like having an HR veteran on your team - minus the $70,000 payroll!

  • My approach to searching for candidates that finds ONLY compatible candidates.

    It's like having an HR veteran on your team - minus the $70,000 payroll!

  • Learn processes that save you valuable time and money screening candidates.

    You WILL get over the time barrier of sourcing, screening, and hiring candidates by creating a process that keeps your pipeline full with quality candidates.

  • Learn processes that save you valuable time and money screening candidates.

    You WILL get over the time barrier of sourcing, screening, and hiring candidates by creating a process that keeps your pipeline full with quality candidates.

  • Learn strategies for interviewing on the phone and on-site through powerful interviews, that show who your candidates really are.

  • Learn strategies for interviewing on the phone and on-site through powerful interviews, that show who your candidates really are.

  • Get insight into the SECRET strategies that allow you to screen potential candidates as efficiently as possible without sacrificing any quality.

  • Get tools that will help your new hire fit in and perform as soon as they come on board.

  • Get insight into the SECRET strategies that allow you to screen potential candidates as efficiently as possible without sacrificing any quality.

    Get tools that will help your new hire fit in and perform as soon as they come on board.

  • Find the right candidate all from writing your job description to interviewing candidates

    Compete in dense labour markets and against larger firms to secure the best talent possible.

  • Find the right candidate all from writing your job description to interviewing candidates

    Compete in dense labour markets and against larger firms to secure the best talent possible.

About Coach Jeffrey

It seems like a lifetime ago, but I can remember when I felt under-fulfilled and perhaps a little lost ... bouncing around to various jobs, projects or other people's plans that did not feel right with my OWN inner ambitions.

I have a long list of people who were willing to take the time to teach and motivate me look within to answer really tough questions, make critical changes and pursue a life with greater purpose, productivity and fulfillment!

With a Masters in Communication and over 20 years of experience in Organizational Development and Transformational Business Coaching, I feel compelled to dedicate the rest of my career to helping others (individuals, teams and organizations) to Play The Integrity Game!

IMAGINE feeling what THESE people are sharing after working with Coach Jeffrey!

In addition to Entrepreneurs all over the world, below are just
some of the companies for which Jeffrey has had the
opportunity to create performance management and talent recruitment frameworks.

In addition to Entrepreneurs all over the world, below are just some of the companies for which Jeffrey has had the opportunity to create performance management and talent recruitment frameworks.

What Could This ALL be Worth?

Two PRIVATE Coaching Session with an Integrity Game® Certified Coach

Valued at $1,000

Organize Your Organization

For Success video module

Valued at $30

Team Chemistry Building Tools

video module

video module

Valued at $50

4 live calls that cover career advancement and staffing audio recordings

Valued at $50

Total Value = About $1180K

You could ignore this offer and continue...

  • wasting your valuable time interviewing the wrong candidates

  • dealing with the costly damage of having a bad hire come on board

  • worrying your competitors are taking all the best talent

  • wondering how you will ever pass some of your workload along

  • settling for just imagining having more time and cutting down on your long workdays

OR, for just $???, you could use the Strategic Staffing Method and get...

  • strategies for REDUCING your hiring costs

  • methods for SPEEDING UP the hiring and onboarding process

  • ways for PREVENTING the scary bad hire from ever happening

  • plan for NEVER LETTING good candidates go out the door

The time and human capital that could turn your dreams of help with growth, time for bigger problems, and cutting down on your long workdays, INTO A REALITY!

On the fence?

  • Register ANYWAY and GET A FULL REFUND if we suck!**

  • Request a LIVE call with a VERY well-trained Sales Person who can answer ALL of your questions by emailing: [email protected]

** Must provide honest written feedback on the value-gaps we need to close (totally worth refunding every penny for legit feedback!)

Complete the form below and join Strategic Staffing today!


The Strategic Staffing E-Course

  • Two PRIVATE 1:1 Sessions with Integrity Game® Certified Coach!

  • The Confident Candidate audio and PDF download

  • Strategic Staffing audio and PDF download

  • Team Building Tools video

  • Organize your organization for sucess video

  • 4 live training audios for career development

  • 100% money back guarantee