SO SMAART ... and SO worth it!

Click below for Coach Jeffrey's video explaining what you get!

As Featured In

Does any of this keep you from reaching your goals?

  • Are you an excuse maker with other "more important" tasks, preventing you from working on your MOST important goals?

  • Do you find you always run out of time?

  • Are you afraid if you reach your goals you'll leave others behind...will your friends or family resent you?

  • Are you afraid of failure and believe you avoid it by not setting goals in the first place?

  • Are you easily distracted by "shiny objects" because you haven't set goals worthy of your focus?

SMAART Goal-Setting will overcome ALL of that PLUS...

Getting SMAART is not ALL you'll get ...

... this course includes:

The Group Mentoring Membership includes all these amazing benefits ...

  • Two PRIVATE 1:1 Coaching sessions with an Integrity Game® Certified Coach to calibrate and implement your new SMAART goals!

  • Two PRIVATE 1:1 Coaching sessions with an Integrity Game® Certified Coach to calibrate and implement your new SMAART goals!

  • Understand how and why our EGO prevents us from "doing the work" of Goal-Setting!

  • Understand how and why our EGO prevents us from "doing the work" of Goal-Setting!

  • Overcome the 5 barriers to goal setting ... and literally become unstoppable!

  • Overcome the 5 barriers to goal setting ... and literally become unstoppable!

  • Learn the importance of Goal-Setting in the lives and careers of ALL high-achieving individuals...and then BECOME a high achiever!

  • Learn the importance of Goal-Setting in the lives and careers of ALL high-achieving individuals...and then BECOME a high achiever!

  • Find Out why Coach Jeffrey added an "A" and CHANGED the "R" to make SMART even SMAARTER!

    Great Coaches make their money helping people CHANGE BEHAVIOR... replacing wasteful habits with productive ones.

  • Find Out why Coach Jeffrey added an "A" and CHANGED the "R" to make SMART even SMAARTER!

    Great Coaches make their money helping people CHANGE BEHAVIOR... replacing wasteful habits with productive ones.

  • Understanding the difference between a hope, wish or dream and a GOAL is the first step to embracing Accountability into your life!

    Coach Jeffrey's S.M.A.A.R.T. Goal Setting system IS a foundation of Accountability that will propel you into "unstoppable action"!

  • Understanding the difference between a hope, wish or dream and a GOAL is the first step to embracing Accountability into your life!

    Coach Jeffrey's S.M.A.A.R.T. Goal Setting system IS a foundation of Accountability that will propel you into "unstoppable action"!

  • The S.M.A.A.R.T Goal-Setting process is designed to "build-in" accountability in terms of measures, due-dates and observable behavioral change that most people never "get around to" when only dreaming of what they want!

  • The S.M.A.A.R.T Goal-Setting process is designed to "build-in" accountability in terms of measures, due-dates and observable behavioral change that most people never "get around to" when only dreaming of what they want!

About Coach Jeffrey

It seems like a lifetime ago, but I can remember when I felt under-fulfilled and perhaps a little lost ... bouncing around to various jobs, projects or other people's plans that did not feel right with my OWN inner ambitions.

I have a long list of people who were willing to take the time to teach and motivate me look within to answer really tough questions, make critical changes and pursue a life with greater purpose, productivity and fulfillment!

With a Masters in Communication and over 20 years of experience in Organizational Development and Transformational Business Coaching, I feel compelled to dedicate the rest of my career to helping others (individuals, teams and organizations) to Play The Integrity Game!

IMAGINE feeling what THESE people are sharing after working with Coach Jeffrey!

In addition to Entrepreneurs all over the world, below are just
some of the companies for which Jeffrey has had the
opportunity to create performance management and talent recruitment frameworks.

In addition to Entrepreneurs all over the world, below are just some of the companies for which Jeffrey has had the opportunity to create performance management and talent recruitment frameworks.

What Could This ALL be Worth?

Two PRIVATE 1:1 Coaching Sessions with an Integrity Game® Certified Coach

Integrity Game® Certified Coach

Valued at $1,000

Goal Setting Media

Training Video, Webinar, Conference Calls, Articles, Book Excerpts, etc.

Training Video, Webinar, Conference Calls, Articles, Book Excerpts, etc.

Valued at $997

5 Barriers to Goal Setting

5-part #DriveByCoaching Video Series

5-part #DriveByCoaching Video Series

Valued at $25

SMAART Goal Setting



Valued at $25

That feeling of being thoroughly motivated and truly unstoppable


Total Value = About $2,050 ALL for just $300!

On the fence?

  • Register ANYWAY and GET A FULL REFUND if we suck!**

  • Request a LIVE call with a VERY well-trained Sales Person who can answer ALL of your questions by emailing: [email protected]

** Must provide honest written feedback on the value-gaps we need to close (totally worth refunding every penny for legit feedback!)

Complete the form below and join SMAART Goal Setting Membership today!


The SMAART Goals

Mini E-Course

  • Two PRIVATE 1:1 Sessions with Integrity Game® Certified Coach!

  • PDF Copy of The Integrity Game® Book!

  • #DriveByCoaching Video Series: 5 Barriers to Goal-setting!

  • SMAART Goal Setting Outline and Worksheet

  • MULTIPLE "How To" set SMAART Goals Recordings!

  • 100% money back guarantee