The Integrity Game® PRIVATE Group Mentoring
with Coach Jeffrey Klubeck!

Click below for a video from Coach Jeffrey to

find out what "KLU's OOHs" is all about!

Click below for a video from Coach Jeffrey to find out what "KLU's OOHs" is all about!

As Featured In

Tired of trying to figure out EVERYTHING on your own?

Ingredients of a Mastermind

The original concept of a Mastermind popularized by Napoleon Hill (author of Think and Grow Rich) including the value of people learning from each other in a collective. Group Mentoring provides a form of Masterminding as it allows you to hear the challenges others are having and the best solutions to them.

Successful Masterminds give participants the opportunity to have their OWN questions answered as well as learn from the questions from others in the group.

Many of the essential elements of a successful mastermind are waiting for you in Group Mentoring!

In Group Mentoring, there is nothing more important than getting your questions answered!

Every session begins with answering ALL learner questions first!

Here is what you'll get in the Assessments Debriefing course:

The Group Mentoring Membership includes all these amazing benefits ...

  • LIVE Online Office Hours via zoom with Coach Jeffrey every month for emerging and high-level Coaches and results-driven Leaders!

  • LIVE Online Office Hours via zoom with Coach Jeffrey every month for emerging and high-level Coaches and results-driven Leaders!

  • Affordable World-Class Mentoring:

    Coach Jeffrey's 1:1 rates make his group mentoring look like a STEAL! Having monthly access to Jeff for real time answers to your coaching questions is invaluable!

  • Affordable World-Class Mentoring: Coach Jeffrey's 1:1 rates make his group mentoring look like a STEAL! Having monthly access to Jeff for real time answers to your coaching questions is invaluable!

  • OVER 100 Session Recordings in the KLU's OOHs archives!

    You will have access to over 3 years worth of sessions ... 72 of which are in direct support of The Integrity Game® Coaching and Leadership Training!

  • OVER 100 Session Recordings in the KLU's OOHs archives!

    You will have access to over 3 years worth of sessions ... 72 of which are in direct support of The Integrity Game® Coaching and Leadership Training!

  • Over 2-dozen recordings on Selling Our Coaching and Leadership PLUS: 12 NEW sessions every year on "winning the game" of enrollment and engagement ... getting permission to lead ... getting paying clients ... getting buy-in from direct reports and MORE!

  • Over 2-dozen recordings on Selling Our Coaching and Leadership PLUS: 12 NEW sessions every year on "winning the game" of enrollment and engagement ... getting permission to lead ... getting paying clients ... getting buy-in from direct reports and MORE!

  • Over 2 dozen recordings on Accountability Coaching and Leadership PLUS: 12 NEW sessions every year on "the willingness to be counted" ... sharpening the tools of confrontation ... turning the screw of accountability ... mastering self-management and playing The Integrity Game to WIN!

  • Over 2 dozen recordings on Accountability Coaching and Leadership PLUS: 12 NEW sessions every year on "the willingness to be counted" ... sharpening the tools of confrontation ... turning the screw of accountability ... mastering self-management and playing The Integrity Game to WIN!

  • Over 2 dozen recordings on Motivational Coaching and Leadership PLUS: 12 NEW sessions every year on "getting self and others INTO ACTION" ... providing strategies for results in life (health, relationships, finances) and business (marketing, sales, operations, performance) ... learning how to deliver mindset coaching and author ANY "state of mind"!

  • Over 2 dozen recordings on Motivational Coaching and Leadership PLUS: 12 NEW sessions every year on "getting self and others INTO ACTION" ... providing strategies for results in life (health, relationships, finances) and business (marketing, sales, operations, performance) ... learning how to deliver mindset coaching and author ANY "state of mind"!

  • Live Role Plays

    One session each month dedicated to practicing the content of the Coaching and Leadership Training!

  • Live Role Plays

    One session each month dedicated to practicing the content of the Coaching and Leadership Training!

  • Advanced Client Enrollment Training: Learn how to execute Coach Jeffrey's signature comp coaching sessions that lead to "hot knife through warm butter" enrollments! Learn how the sessions translate from Coaching to Leadership contexts!

  • Advanced Client Enrollment Training: Learn how to execute Coach Jeffrey's signature comp coaching sessions that lead to "hot knife through warm butter" enrollments! Learn how the sessions translate from Coaching to Leadership contexts!

  • Live Case Study Reviews: One session each month dedicated to listen to and discussing actual Coaching Sessions conducted by Coach Jeffrey in the past and/or your difficult current Coaching scenarios on the spot!

  • Live Case Study Reviews: One session each month dedicated to listen to and discussing actual Coaching Sessions conducted by Coach Jeffrey in the past and/or your difficult current Coaching scenarios on the spot!

  • DID we mention the 100s Of Hours Of Group Mentoring in the KLU's OOHs Archives? Members have access to all past and future group mentoring sessions we will continually add to the membership site.

  • DID we mention the 100s Of Hours Of Group Mentoring in the KLU's OOHs Archives? Members have access to all past and future group mentoring sessions we will continually add to the membership site.

  • All of YOUR Coaching and Leadership Questions Answered:. One session each month dedicated to "ask Coach Jeffrey ANYTHING" plus over 32 sessions in the archives FULL of mentoring Q&A!

  • All of YOUR Coaching and Leadership Questions Answered: One session each month dedicated to "ask Coach Jeffrey ANYTHING" plus over 32 sessions in the archives FULL of mentoring Q&A!

There is simply NO WAY you can get ALL THIS in a
1:1 program!

Elite And Private Community

  • A sense of Belonging and Pride thrives when we are connected to Community!

  • When people with different backgrounds and experiences come together to learn and Master the same content, MAGIC happens!

  • Expedite your learning with the shared knowledge contributed by each community member! Sharing big discoveries, wins, challenges, case-study's, strategies and insights allows us to grow faster than learning on our own!

Vulnerability Deepens Connections

  • Something special happens when you become open and vulnerable with other coaches and business owners.

  • Get connected to other hungry individuals aiming for a similar end goal as you: Growth!

  • You never know where you might meet a new colleague, friend or business partner.

  • Members of the group are encouraged to GET vulnerable in role-plays, accountability partnerships, study groups, or possible joint ventures/business opportunities.

  • Don't forget! Your network IS your net worth... and nothing bonds you with other professionals faster than the vulnerability of role-playing, practice coaching and accountability partnerships.

Hard Core Accountability

  • Served on a plate of I love you! Learn how to powerfully and gracefully confront your coaching clients or direct reports.

  • Practice using the "tools of confrontation" Jeff teaches in accountability training.

  • Practice, role-play and case-study the techniques that keep you in rapport with your prospects, clients or direct reports.

  • It takes practice to get confident holding other Accountable and there is no safer place to practice Accountability Coaching than Klubeck's Group Mentoring sessions.

Experience Is The Best Teacher

  • Learning from someone else's experiences in invaluable.

  • A wise person makes a mistake, learns from it, and never makes the same mistake again.

  • A wealthy person finds a smart person and learns how to avoid mistakes altogether!

  • You will learn the ways of World Class Coaching/Leadership much faster when exposed to collective experiences of the members of the Group!

About Coach Jeffrey

It seems like a lifetime ago, but I can remember when I felt under-fulfilled and perhaps a little lost ... bouncing around to various jobs, projects or other people's plans that did not feel right with my OWN inner ambitions.

I have a long list of people who were willing to take the time to teach and motivate me look within to answer really tough questions, make critical changes and pursue a life with greater purpose, productivity and fulfillment!

With a Masters in Communication and over 20 years of experience in Organizational Development and Transformational Business Coaching, I feel compelled to dedicate the rest of my career to helping others (individuals, teams and organizations) to Play The Integrity Game!

IMAGINE feeling what THESE people are sharing after working with Coach Jeffrey!

In addition to Entrepreneurs all over the world, below are just
some of the companies for which Jeffrey has had the
opportunity to create performance management and talent recruitment frameworks.

In addition to Entrepreneurs all over the world, below are just some of the companies for which Jeffrey has had the opportunity to create performance management and talent recruitment frameworks.

What Could This ALL be Worth?

Group Mentoring Sessions

Over 100 video & audio modules in the archives PLUS

36 BRAND NEW LIVE sessions every month!

Over 100 video & audio modules in the archives PLUS 36 BRAND NEW LIVE sessions every month!

Valued at $2,500

Total Value = About $2500K

On the fence?

  • Register ANYWAY and GET A FULL REFUND if we suck!**

  • Request a LIVE call with a VERY well-trained Sales Person who can answer ALL of your questions by emailing: [email protected]

** Must provide honest written feedback on the value-gaps we need to close (totally worth refunding every penny for legit feedback!)

Complete the form below and join Group Mentoring today!


The Group Mentoring E-Course

  • Monthly 90-min Group Mentoring Sessions (3 per month!)

  • Deep dives into securing Enrollment/Engagement

  • Deep dives into Holding Self and Others Accountable!

  • Deep dive into Strategic and Mindset Motivation!

  • LIVE Role-Plays of training material and coaching scenarios!

  • Master Coach Jeffrey's signature Comp Coaching System!

  • Understand the best strategies in action & implement

  • Access to over 100 recorded mentoring sessions PLUS 36 NEW sessions every year!

  • Ask Coach Jeffrey ANYTHING at any time in any session!

  • SPECIAL offers, discounts or opportunities for other Integrity Game® products, services and projects!

  • 100% money back guarantee