How amazing would it be to capture the room,
read other people and control the

How amazing would it be to capture the room, read other people and control the

As Featured In

How confident are you to walk into a room and start talking with the President of The United States?

How confident are you to walk into a room and start talking with the President of The United States?

You walk into a room full of people...strangers at that. Now all you can think about is how much you would rather be at home in your pajamas eating popcorn and watching Seinfeld reruns.

  • Do you find it hard to start a conversation?

  • Do you stumble on your words?

  • Do you find it frustrating to communicate what you are thinking?

We are not born great communicators - we have to work at it.

Confident Communicator can make this process so much easier.

Join today and check out what you'll get...

With this course, you can look forward to...

  • Two PRIVATE Coaching sessions

    with an Integrity Game® Certified Coach to calibrate and implement YOUR answers to the tough questions!

  • Two PRIVATE Coaching sessions with an Integrity Game® Certified Coach to calibrate and implement YOUR answers to the tough questions!

  • Learn Non-Verbal communication skills, ...

  • Learn Non-Verbal communication skills, ...

  • Learn how to be a great listener

  • Learn how to be a great listener

  • Learn how to think critically, ...

  • Learn how to think critically, ...

  • Learn how to produce content

  • Learn how to produce content

  • Learn how to communicate with different cultures...

    Learn the language that best suits the conversation...

  • Learn how to communicate with different cultures...

    Learn the language that best suits the conversation...

  • Learn how to be persuasive...

  • Learn how to be persuasive...

About Coach Jeffrey

It seems like a lifetime ago, but I can remember when I felt under-fulfilled and perhaps a little lost ... bouncing around to various jobs, projects or other people's plans that did not feel right with my OWN inner ambitions.

I have a long list of people who were willing to take the time to teach and motivate me look within to answer really tough questions, make critical changes and pursue a life with greater purpose, productivity and fulfillment!

With a Masters in Communication and over 20 years of experience in Organizational Development and Transformational Business Coaching, I feel compelled to dedicate the rest of my career to helping others (individuals, teams and organizations) to Play The Integrity Game!

IMAGINE feeling what THESE people are sharing after working with Coach Jeffrey!

In addition to Entrepreneurs all over the world, below are just
some of the companies for which Jeffrey has had the
opportunity to create performance management and talent recruitment frameworks.

In addition to Entrepreneurs all over the world, below are just some of the companies for which Jeffrey has had the opportunity to create performance management and talent recruitment frameworks.

What Could This ALL be Worth?

Two PRIVATE Coaching Sessions with an

with an Integrity Game® Certified Coach

Valued at $1,000

How to be a Confident Communicator

8 video modules

Valued at $400

3 GB of downloads to guide you through the

3 GB of downloads to guide you

video modules, so you can document your progress.

through the video modules,

so you can

Valued at $50

Your confidence through the roof in all

Your confidence through the roof in all your communications

your communications


Total Value = About $1400K

You could ignore this offer and continue...

  • being too afraid to attend events because you can't think of what to say

  • going through every day fumbling for answers because you are too embarrassed to ask

  • walking on eggshells at social events thinking you might say the wrong thing

  • slowing your productivity because you don't have the confidence to engage with others

  • getting stuck in your career because you don't know how to ask for a raise or a promotion

  • missing out on great relationships, in both your personal and business life

OR, for just $???, you could use the Confident Communicator strategies and...

  • build new and lasting personal and business relationships

  • talk with ANYONE with great ease and comfort

  • attend social events with confidence and enthusiasm

  • get what you need and want from others with a simple conversation

On the fence?

  • Register ANYWAY and GET A FULL REFUND if we suck!**

  • Request a LIVE call with a VERY well-trained Sales Person who can answer ALL of your questions by emailing: [email protected]

** Must provide honest written feedback on the value-gaps we need to close (totally worth refunding every penny for legit feedback!)

Complete the form below and join Confident Communicator today!


The Confident Communicator E-Course

  • Two PRIVATE 1:1 Sessions with Integrity Game® Certified Coach!

  • The Competent Communicator Worksheet PDF download

  • 8 Video Modules breaking down every aspect of communication

  • The Confident Communicator Master Class video

  • 8 Audio Modules if you prefer to listen rather than watch

  • 100% money back guarantee